Repair or Replace Your Heating Unit - Determine Using $5,000 Rule

It is quite a dilemma for many users when to replace an older air conditioner. One of the major reasons behind this confusion is, no doubt, the repair and replacement costs. This is where the $5,000 rule comes in. Now put your worries and confusions to rest. The $ 5,000 rule is a game changer as it’s going to help you make a decision.

Heating Unit Repair or Replace – How to Decide Using the $5,000 Rule

Heating Unit Replacement Rule of Thumb:

Due to the reluctance to replace the old heating unit, most homeowners tend to repair their old rickety units, adding Freon to keep the old unit running. Yes, you have to make a decision, but when?

Before you jump in, let’s do some simple calculations. Multiply the age of your AC unit by the repair costs, and if that surpasses $5000, replace the unit. Anything below that amount means you can repair it. Simple huh!

Let’s say your unit is 12 years old, and the repair will cost $350. So what you get after multiplying is $4200. You can see it’s less than $5000, so you can proceed with the heating repair in Staten Island.

What Causes Higher Energy Bills:

Needless to say, the poor performance of your AC unit is reflected in the higher energy bills. Usually, like any other device, air conditioning units wear out over the years. Excessive usage takes a toll on its health. Gradually, the performance declines, and you can notice that it requires frequent repairs. This is a tell-tale sign that you can’t limp by this way for long. It’s time to replace the unit.

According to experts, aging parts and weaker motors cause further damage, reducing efficiency and performance. The higher the repair costs, the higher the energy costs. So, what’s the point of spending money on something already on its last legs? Why not consider replacing it with an energy-efficient model? Ultimately, a smart decision like replacement saves you a lot of bucks in the long run.

Risking Cost of Freon:

Repair may not be a good choice due to the increasing cost of Freon. If you are grappling with a refrigerant leak, consider the Freon costs. Most Freon leaks require repetitive additions every year. You can’t simply avoid it. With the rising costs of Freon, repair costs are increasing too every year. However, if it’s minor issue, opt for heating repair in Manhattan.

As per EPA, the use of Freon has been significantly reduced to protect the ozone layer. Since production is limited, costs to charge existing units leaking R-22 refrigerant are rapidly increasing. As assumed, the production of Freon completely stopped in 2020. So, the price hike is quite obvious.

Modern air conditioners use a more environmentally friendly refrigerant than Freon, but it won’t work on older models.