What is the point in keeping a furnace at home that apparently turns on but does not produce any heat? Such a situation puts the homeowner in a fix when it is hard to deduce whether the furnace is working at all or not. The obvious question that may strike is whether one needs to consider furnace repair in Manhattan or not? The truth is, if the furnace is on but it does not generate any heat, then there is some trouble. This needs to be looked into by a professional.
Furnace repair in Manhattan and Brooklyn
What is giving rise to this problem?
When the furnace turns on, but there is no heat, then there has to be a definite reason behind the same. There can be a few furnace problems to be blamed. Following are the common trouble areas:
Issue with the thermostat settings
Often, the wrong thermostat settings are to be blamed for such a situation. It can make the furnace seem turned on, but without any heat coming through the vents. If no hot air seems to be coming out, one has to check that the thermostat setting is set to heat, rather than cool. Also, one has to check whether the fan is turned on and it is running constantly. This can seem that the furnace is running, but the truth is it is just the blower motor. If the motor is the only thing running, then there will be no heat circulation.
It will help to change or reset the thermostat settings to fix the problem. The fan needs to be set at Auto, which will allow the blower motor to run when the heating cycle occurs. You can also set the thermostat a few degrees higher than the current room temperature. This would trigger a heating cycle, thereby generating heat.
Issue with the airflow
Restricted airflow within the furnace can be the reason why heat is not getting circulated evenly into the living areas. If on turning the furnace, there is no heat, then an obstruction can be the reason for less or no heat generation. It is important to check the air filters, vents, and registers. If these are clogged by contaminants, then the airflow will be obstructed.
A periodic inspection of the vents for any obstruction or clog due to debris or dust and other contaminants can help keep the airway clean and help in producing the much-needed heat.
Issue with fuel and ignition
Problem with the fuel supply or the ignition system can also be the cause the furnace to turn on, but not producing any heat at all. If there is an obstruction that is preventing the furnace to receive gas, then there will be no fuel to combust and the furnace will not generate ample heat. The furnace might turn on, but your home will still be devoid of any heat.
The gas valve on the gas supply line needs to be checked and ensured that it is open. Furnaces using liquid propane as heating fuel needs to be checked for enough fuel in the tank. Issues with the ignition system can be rectified by taking a close look at the pilot light. If the pilot light is out, then one needs to relight it. Furnaces running on electronic ignition system needs to be checked whether the metal strip of the igniter is switch is clean or not. It needs to be cleaned, if it is dirty.
Identifying the problem areas is not only going to solve the issue. One needs to get this solved as well. For that, it is better not to try handling furnace repair in Brooklyn yourself. Instead, relying on professional help is better.

Simone Arnica is the certified and more than 35 years experienced HVAC expert from Arnica Heating and Air Conditioning Inc. suggesting maintenance tips for the HVAC system to protect it from early damage, unwanted maintenance cost and also to save on energy cost. Follow the blog to learn how it can be done easily.
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