Having to shower in cold water during winters can be a thought that send a chill down the spine. Unfortunately, you cannot do much about it. It is important to understand that your boiler has not been functioning effectively. The tell-tale indications are sure to surface and will have you worried. Do not wait until it is too late, however. Request boiler repair in Staten Island by contacting a professional ASAP! You will be pleased to have the boiler up and running once again even when you experience a boiler lockout.
Well, the term indicates that your boiler has shut down due to certain alterations in the essential parameters. It can occur when the water pressure becomes too high or reduces too much; decreased fuel; obstruction in the system, or any power issues. You have to identify the real reason behind the lockout and rectify it at the earliest to have the system function optimally.
Boiler Lockout Indications
The boiler will have the red or green light flashing when it is beginning to lockout. You may view the fault code on the display panel of the new model that uses advanced technology.
This is the time to note the fault code and look it up on the manual to find out what it means.
Sure, you can try resetting the boiler. However, it is certainly time to get professional intervention to prevent recurrences
Boiler repair in Staten Island to fix boiler lockout
There may be multiple reasons for a boiler lockout. Some of the most common problems associated with it are:
Pump faults
The seal on the pump may be blown causing the pump to seize. You would be able to identify this reason by going through the manual carefully. Water circulation issues may also be responsible for the lockout.
Locked Ignition
Trying to fire the boiler too many times in quick succession may cause the ignition to lock. It is important to contact a professional without delay to reverse the situation.
Water Pressure
You need to refer to the manual to check the right pressure for your boiler. Most models operate perfectly at 1.3 and may lockout when it goes below 0.6 and above the 3 mark. You may try to increase the pressure by adding water through the boiler filling loop. However, the pressure may have reduced due to a fault in the central heating system. You have to fix this issue first with professional help to have the water pressure at the right level.
Blocked system
You may check the condensate pipe carefully during winter. Formation of ice within the lumen of the pipe results in blockages. Thawing it out will have your boiler functioning again. However, you have to resort to regular boiler maintenance to clean out the sludge from the radiator and pipe.
Get rid of the niggling issues related to your heating system by hiring the services of a professional noted for boiler repair in Manhattan.
Simone Arnica is the certified and more than 35 years experienced HVAC expert from Arnica Heating and Air Conditioning Inc. suggesting maintenance tips for the HVAC system to protect it from early damage, unwanted maintenance cost and also to save on energy cost. Follow the blog to learn how it can be done easily.
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