Tag: mitsubishi h2i plus

How to Find the Best Heat Pump for Cold Climates

Heating installation in Staten Island - Mitsubishi  heat pump for cold climates

Choosing the best heat pump for a freezing room is not easy. The Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP) heat pump directory contains over 30,000 different models, each with a huge number of features. Hyper-Heating (h2i), manufactured by Mitsubishi, is the best heat pump for cold environments. Not only can these heat pumps generate usable heat down to -13 degrees Fahrenheit, they also maintain full heating output down to 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Heating seasonal performance factors (HSPF) for h2i models range from 10.5 to 12, while seasonal energy efficiency ratios (SEER) for cooling range from 15 to 20. Coefficients of performance (COP) of up to 2.88 are maintained by their heat pumps at temperatures as low as 5 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Uses and Benefits of Mitsubishi’s 3D-i-see Sensor

Mitsubishi 3D-i-see Sensor - ductless air conditioning installation

The 3D i-See Sensor provides the utmost in customized heating and cooling by analyzing the indoor temperature profile and offering the ideal amount of heating or cooling based on choice.

How Does Mitsubishi 3D-i-see Sensor Work:

This cognitive sensor of Mitsubishi h2i plus continually scans the indoor temperature and divides it into 752 three-dimensional zones, measuring the temperature in each to determine where people are in the room. It’s even capable of detecting the temperature of a person. The 3D i-See Sensor regulates the temperature and airflow to ensure everyone is comfortable by detecting the presence and location of individuals in the room. If you notice that the sensor is failing, give a call to the experts. Reach out to the professionals for ductless air conditioning installation in Queens.

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