Trane furnace repair in Queens

If you are experiencing issue with your Trane system, this definitive guide may be of help for you. Check out these common troubles and possible solutions, and see for yourself what it requires to restore the functionality of the system.

Trane furnace repair in Staten Island Queens

Why is the air flow from my gas furnace so slow?

Over time, dust and dirt can accumulate all over the place, especially on the filter screen. Swap for new air filters. There could also be a blockage in the air ducts. If this is the case, you may want to call for local Trane Comfort Specialist to inspect the ductwork and perform necessary furnace repair in Staten Island.

Why is there no heat coming from my gas furnace?

The pilot light may have gone out:

The pilot light is a small flame that ignites the main furnace flame. The manual will provide detailed instructions on re-lighting the pilot. Hire local Trane Comfort Specialist if you are unsure.

The main gas line could be turned off:

You’ll need to have your local gas company check.

Trane furnace repair in Staten Island

Why is my heating bill so high:

There are several reasons why your heating is so high. The problem often results from a thermostat wired incorrectly so that system kicks on the strip heat when it should not. Setting the thermostat too high may mean more frequent running of the system.

To fix the issue, all you need to do is to turn down the thermostat, then try rerouting and consolidating heat by partially closing the air registers in rooms you aren’t using. Ceiling fans can also help circulate warm air.

The increase in electric bill may be due to the raise in rates by your utility company.

Whatever the reason, call your utilities company or consult bills from the previous month to determine if this is the cause. To find the permanent solution for the problem, you may consult reliable company that specializes in furnace repair in Queens.