heating installation in Staten Island

Winters without a boiler at home or office will mean spending chilling evenings and nights in much discomfort. That is why before the winter sets in, it is time for a quick boiler check up. The maintenance schedule will ensure that issues with the boiler, if any, can be rectified at the very onset. Many homeowners as well as commercial space owners do not carry out periodic checks after a heating system installation in Staten Island or Manhattan is over. That is where lies the mistake. When the boiler is not in use for a long time, it can surface with small technical glitches here and there. Overlooking them is not a good idea as it can lead to issues later. It is better to call a technician for assistance to look into the matter and pick out the issues. In winter, it is necessary to maintain the boiler.

What To Do To Keep The heating system in Good Condition

There are many ways to keep the boiler in good condition so that during winter, no one has to spend a single day in discomfort.

heating installation in Staten Island

Check the thermostat

The first place to start is the thermostat. Often technicians complain that a boiler gives up as the thermostat is often put at a high temperature. Many have the idea that by doing so it will be easy to put the heat on a high temperature. That is, however, not the case. Putting the thermostat at a high temperature does not guarantee that the heater will work faster or it will blow hot air. The effect will only lead to high energy bills. To avoid that, it is better to upgrade the thermostat. Smart thermostats come with advanced features and ensure better working of the system.

Test the pilot light

The pilot light of the furnace should come as on when the furnace is turned on. If the pilot light remains switched off, then the entire system will be compromised. On noticing issues with the pilot light, it is advised to give the technician a call.

Check the ducts

If there is any leak in the boiler or heater or in the ductwork, then that would bring down the efficiency of the heating unit. Check the seal around the return that feeds directly into the heater. If that is not tight, then it can create a backdraft. The leaks need to be sealed properly. At the same time, the ductwork has to be inspected and cleaned properly.

A mere heating installation in Manhattan is not going to suffice. One has to ensure that the boiler or heating unit installed is taken care of too. With proper maintenance, the heating unit will give one many years of uninterrupted service.