Symptoms of sick building syndrome

Sick building syndrome (SBS) is a condition that can occur when you are in a building or other enclosed space. It is thought to be caused by the poor air quality in the room. However, the exact cause is not known.

According to the Consumer Material Safety Commission, about 30% of new and remodeled buildings have poor indoor air quality, so it can be a little challenging to diagnose SBS for there are such a variety of symptoms. These can sometimes be mistaken for other illnesses, such as the common cold. The point of SBS is that symptoms tend to go away when you leave that particular building and only relapse when you return to the exact location. The only way to deal with this issue is to call on experts for central air conditioning repair in Staten Island.

What are the symptoms of sick building syndrome?

The skin, respiratory system, and nervous system can all be affected by the symptoms of SBS. You may be diagnosed with a cold or flu. Other symptoms include throat irritation, difficulty breathing, sneezing, burning sensations, headaches, dizziness, forgetfulness, fatigue, nausea, aches all over the body, chills, and so on.

If you have allergies or pre-existing respiratory conditions, your symptoms are likely to flare up. For example, people with asthma are more likely to have an SBS asthma attack. It is also important to note that SBS affects different people differently. People who spend time in a particular room may experience some of the above symptoms, but they might differ in terms of severity. Some people have no symptoms at all. Others might develop symptoms after leaving the building in question. This results from the repeated or prolonged exposure.

In cases like these, you need to have your air conditioning system cleaned regularly. Sometimes, a faulty system affects indoor air quality. Call on the services of central air conditioning repair in Manhattan.

What causes sick building syndrome?

When the specific source of your problems cannot be determined, the phrase “sick building syndrome” is used.

Causes of sick building syndrome

However, there are several probable explanations that you should discuss with your doctor. Usually, the potential culprits that cause SBS are one or more of the following factors, such as poorly ventilated structures, such as schools, workplaces, and public spaces, tobacco smoke, rooms with dim lighting, old computer screens that strain the eyes, fungus and mold growth, formaldehyde (primarily found in wood furniture and floors), asbestos, ozone by carbon monoxide from the usage of printers and fax machines, high-stress levels at school or work, poor workplace morale, heat or low humidity, loud work settings, insect and animals droppings.

How is sick building syndrome diagnosed?

SBS detection includes the process of elimination. Doctors rule out other factors that can mimic the symptoms of sick house syndrome, such as colds, asthma, and allergies. You can also refer to your work environment and home and take notes to document your symptoms. Keep track of when and where you started and when you left. Also, pay attention to your symptoms as much as possible.

Why You Need to Repair Your HVAC System:

The symptoms will persist and irritate you until or unless you take care of your indoor air quality. Improving air quality helps eliminate the possible risk factors. Talk to a professional and get support for your environmental health systems. Consider changing air filters every couple of months. Get a test for possible indoor mold or fungus. Call on experts for AC repair in Brooklyn, NY.