Is your furnace condensate pump malfunctioning? Learn how to troubleshoot and fix common issues with expert Trane furnace repair tips to keep your system running smoothly!

A good number of American households use furnaces to keep themselves warm during winter, and while they are a necessity in some areas, they are not without flaws. A condensate pump may cause issues with even the finest furnace, which can lead to a range of problems sooner rather than later. While it’s easy to detect if a condensate pump is operating properly, diagnosing other issues might be more difficult. Consult an expert for furnace repair in Queens today!

Trane furnace repair Queens NYC

Furnace Condensate Pump Doesn’t Work

If the pump isn’t operating, make sure it’s not hardwired and is hooked into an outlet. Check that the pump’s switch is set to “On” and that no breakers have been tripped in hardwired systems. Over the years, a tripped breaker has caused many homeowners problems, resulting in an expensive HVAC repair call.

Furnace Condensate Pump Keeps Running

Inside every condensate pump, a float is located, and it activates a switch when the water level in the holding tank reaches a particular level. Floats can hang due to a filthy environment around the float, as well as improper line arrangement inside the unit. Check valves are easy to clean and repair, however, some parts on older versions may be challenging to locate. If it’s with your Trane furnace, consult experts that specialize in Trane furnace repair NYC.

Furnace Condensate Pump is Leaking

To check for a leak, remove the furnace condensate tank and fill it with water. It’s a good idea to inspect your system’s lines on a regular basis throughout the year. Water can back up under the A-Coil, overflow, and trickle into the furnace if the line isn’t sloped properly.

Furnace Condensate Pump Making Noise

Since loose discharge fittings and other parts cause noise, it’s always a good idea to double-check that everything on the pump is hand-tight. It’s possible that the noise is caused by a low-quality pump or one that has a problem that has slipped through quality control. While there aren’t many complaints about this sort of pump from Little Giant, it’s not the same with other companies’ budget-friendly versions. Call on experts for Trane xe80 troubleshooting.

Furnace Condensate Pump Maintenance

Condensate pumps are designed to be reliable, but problems can occur. The experts recommend checking condensate pump of your furnace at least once a month. If you have build-up in your lines or want to clean the pump every few months, nothing could be easier.