Mitsubishi Electric New Launch Single-zone System with H2i plus technology - Indoor Unit

The American Mitsubishi Electric Crane HVAC (METUS) features variable Ductless and Ducted Mini-split and Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) heat-pump and air-conditioning systems and H2i plus™ technology (MSZ/MUZ-FS) for ductless air conditioning systems. The system includes a luxurious double wall interior wall and a new version of the Hyper-Heating Invert® Plus (H2i Plus) external heat pump.

Wall-Mounted Single-Zone System With H2i Plus™ Technology

The Deluxe Wall-mounted Indoor Unit:

The Deluxe Wall-mounted Indoor Unit is the first in the industry to feature a next-generation certified Dual Barrier Coating. Hydrophilic particles, including dust and oil-based materials, such as oil and gas, can build up in the heater, air ducts, and fan over time, thus reducing heating and cooling performance of the HVAC system. The enclosures of both dams are fixed inside the heat exchanger, vanes, air duct and blower wheel to reduce the accumulation, duration, efficiency and quality of indoor air particles. The high-quality Dual Barrier Coating reduces the need for maintenance, ensures a high level of efficiency over the years and saves energy. Find the best service provider for ductless air conditioning installation in Staten Island.

Mitsubishi Deluxe Wall-mounted Single-zone System with H2i plus technology - Outdoor Unit

Features and Functionalities:

The deluxe indoor wall unit is widely available and features an upgraded, easy-to-read remote control with a backlit display. The H2iPlus ium premium wall mount system includes the MUZ-FS heat pump outdoor unit with the new H2iPlus technology on the market. The H2i Plus offers 100% heat output at outside temperatures below -5 degrees Fahrenheit, while the H2i Plus lasts up to -13 degrees Fahrenheit without additional heat. MUZ-FS outdoor heat pumps are available in 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 KB per hour capacities.

Deluxe Wall-mounted Single-zone System with H2i plus technology from ME

Maintenance and Servicing:

The minimal maintenance requirements of the deluxe interior wall unit and the high power, low temperature heating capacity of the H2i heat pump provide passengers with a comfortable and seamless experience. In addition, the single zone system is equipped with Energy Star® for all combinations of indoor and outdoor devices. Invest in ductless air conditioning installation in Manhattan for better performance and efficiency.

Click to get online estimation for Deluxe Wall-Mounted Single-Zone system with H2i Plus technology.