A furnace is one of the most important things around the house that needs to be maintained in perfect working condition especially, to flow swiftly through the chilling winter months. A broken-down furnace or a non-working one can be especially troublesome when the temperatures are not so comfortable. It would be hard for the homeowner to opt for furnace repair in Queens and Brooklyn as well during this time. Much like any other appliance around the house, a furnace too will start to show signs of issues when something is wrong with the furnace. Overlooking the issues can result in trouble and more costly repairs. One of the common areas of problem can be the dirty air filters. The air filters are an important part of the furnace and they need to clean from time to time or replace as and when required.
Furnace repair for Issues caused by dirty air filters
Following are some of the common issues that a furnace can encounter due to dirty air filters:
Bad Indoor Air Quality
Air filters are responsible for effectively keeping out dust, debris and other harmful materials from entering one’s home. If the air filters clogged, then all this will end up inside the home bringing down the quality of indoor air. The impure air will affect all those family members who suffer from asthma, allergies, or other respiratory issues.
Damaged Heat Exchanger
Furnace air filters that are clogged often are responsible for affecting the airflow throughout the house and the HVAC unit. In the absence of fresh air circulating throughout the room, the heat exchanger might become too warm and deactivate. Clogged air filters are also responsible for the furnace to short cycle. Less heat will generate which will not be enough to keep the home warm. Replacing the air filters at the right time will be helpful than to face costly furnace repair in Queens.
Increased Heating Bills
The furnace uses a fan to circulate the warm air throughout the house as well as maintain the temperature set for the thermostat. If the air filters clogged, then the fan will have to work hard for circulating the air throughout the house. This will have an effect on the monthly energy bills that is likely to be increased. As per the energy consumption, air filters should replace every 6 months.
Shutting Down the Furnace
Many homeowners do not pay heed to dirty air filters which can lead to severely damaging the components of the furnace. This can lead to costly furnace repair in NYC. The furnace can shut down completely due to damaged fan, pilot light, gas valves, pressure switches, heat exchanger and other essential components.
No one wants to encounter a broken-down furnace when the need for it at the peak. That is why, it is crucial that the warning signs are taken note of and a technician called for to take a look at the same.

Simone Arnica is the certified and more than 35 years experienced HVAC expert from Arnica Heating and Air Conditioning Inc. suggesting maintenance tips for the HVAC system to protect it from early damage, unwanted maintenance cost and also to save on energy cost. Follow the blog to learn how it can be done easily.
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